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Diversity in Leather

Updated: Nov 28, 2022

(Master Varii – SELF 2019)

updated 2022

What is diversity? The inclusion of variety. Non-uniformity. Anything that makes one individual different from another. Uniqueness.

Leather History – Where did we start? What do we stand for? Isn’t the common thread on being “Leather” being authentically who you are, and having the courage to live that truth?

Creating/Encouraging diversity- Creating diversity is the purposeful inclusion of variety and embracing differences. It is encouraging variety of thought, embracing new ideas, and creating a culture that fosters innovation by valuing differences rather than resisting them. It is about treating those who are different from us with respect. It is the recognition that through respectful inclusion and openminded discourse the best solutions are created, and we can enrich each other. It is the recognition of our personal bias and prejudice (we all have them) and then challenging ourselves to rise above them. Diversity is everyone’s responsibility! There is always someone older, younger, a different race, culture, interest, gender, etc. How do you handle those different than you. Do you expect to be accepted and respected, but fail to give the same in return?

What areas of difference exist in the Leather community?

1. Race (Every ethnicity exists in our community: PoC, White, Hispanic, Asian, American Indian, Middle eastern, Mixed race, etc., +++) Note: these are all huge categories and there are many differences within each. It is important not to “assume” the color of one’s skin creates automatic kinship.

2. Age (TNG to Dinosaurs)

3. Gender (Male, Female, Transgender, Non-binary, gender fluid, non-conforming, +++)

4. Sexual orientation (Heterosexual, Same sex oriented, Bisexual, Heteroflexible, Pansexual, Asexual, Queer, Questioning, ++++)

5. Types of Play or Relationship Dynamics (Top/bottom, Switch, D/s, M/s, O/p. Play only, Part time relationship, Full time relationship, etc). How these dynamics are defined are truly endless! Fetish interests too numerous to begin to list.

6. Level of Experience and Skill (Newbie to Expert); however we all are growing and evolving. No one knows everything.

7. Education and IQ (all levels of education and intellects exist in our community)

8. Socioeconomic status (all socioeconomic levels exist from impoverished to wealthy)

9. Fetishes (everything you can imagine and many you can’t)

10. Differences of opinions and approaches (politically liberal to conservative, different styles of leadership, different ways of approaching a problem)

11. Religion (Pagan, Jewish, Christian, Catholic, Wiccan, Muslim, Buddhists, Hindu, Atheist, unsure or undefined, ++)

12. Likely numerous other categories!

What diversity isn’t? Diversity is not about agreeing or liking the same things! Diversity is not about special treatment for certain groups of people (Old guard/New Guard, Het/other, +++), this creates an us/them mentality which causes more division and less acceptance. Diversity is not about discrimination of any kind nor is it about accepting dishonesty, or those lacking integrity in the name of “kumbaya” because an individual belongs to an underrepresented group, and diversity is definitely not about segregation of special interest groups (there is a big difference between support of likeminded individuals getting together periodically to share common interests (Female Identifying Dominants for example), but it crosses a dangerous line when we go beyond that and start encouraging and supporting segregation within the community)

Diversity is empowering not demonizing, and it is about respectful, non-judgmental inclusion that benefits everyone. This also means resisting being defensive when

So why should we ALL care? Creating diversity increases an organization’s ability to cope with change and expands the creativity of the organization overall. We learn from our differences, not from sameness. It’s also practicing what we preach and being the change we say we want from others. Diversity makes us stronger, creates understanding, tolerance, and respectful exchanges of ideas.

Where do we start? Diversity takes courage! It happens first on a personal level and requires honest reflection. Let’s start with an attitude of respect and a willingness to learn. Purposely embrace new and different ideas, as well as a respect for legacy. Not all new ideas will work, and not all “old” ideas are useless. Often it is a blend of old and new, of different cultures and abilities that creates the strongest solutions. When things don’t go as planned it is sometimes those “failures” that teach us the most. One of the wisest things ever said to me was…. “There is no such thing as failure, only feedback.” “The only way to truly fail is to quit or never try.” And my personal favorite: “We must be better than those who oppress us. Never give in to hatred or prejudice; if you do, they win!” MLK

How do we define success with regard to diversity? We will have won the battle on diversity when we see ourselves and others first as human beings, and by what we bring to the table rather than by our differences. We will have won the battle on diversity when we approach all with an attitude of respect and an openness to learn. We will have won the battle on diversity when it is no longer a competition of us versus them. It is the focus on differences that is the enemy of inclusion.

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